
1. Who is responsible for processing your data?
   Calle Aribau, 168-170  

2. For what purpose do we process your personal data?
   At PHARMINICIO, SLU, we process your data to manage the business relationship between us in all its aspects, from the execution of the sales contract and/or service provision, and everything associated with it, to maintaining contact and sending commercial communications via electronic means.  
   No automated decisions will be made based on the data provided.

3. How long will we keep your data?
   The personal data provided will be retained as long as our commercial relationship is maintained and for up to five years from the last purchase or completion of service.

4. What is the legal basis for processing your data?
   The legal basis for processing your data is the necessity of fulfilling the sales contract and/or service provision, or the business relationship in which you are a party.  
   The processing of your data for sending commercial communications via email or other electronic means will be done under the protection of article 21.2 of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, which allows us to send you commercial communications similar or related to the product or service originally acquired, as long as you do not object to such communications (see the "Rights" section below).  

5. To which recipients will your data be communicated?
   Data will not be communicated to third parties unless legally or contractually required.  
   However, at PHARMINICIO, SLU, we may collaborate with third-party service providers that we have contracted, and for the provision of those services, it may be necessary for them to access your personal data. These third parties will handle your data with all legally required guarantees, following our instructions, and after signing a data protection agreement in which we require, among other things, that they process the data solely for the agreed purposes, apply appropriate technical and organizational measures, and delete or return the data at the end of the service.  
   At PHARMINICIO, SLU, we follow strict selection criteria for third-party service providers to ensure compliance with our data protection obligations.

6. What are your rights when you provide us with your data?
   Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether PHARMINICIO, SLU is processing personal data concerning them.  
   Additionally, you have the following rights:
   - Right to request access to your personal data.
   - Right to request rectification of your data.
   - Right to request deletion of your data.
   - Right to request limitation of its processing.
   - Right to object to the processing.
   - Right to data portability.
   - Right to withdraw consent given.
   - Right to information.
   - Right to object to being subject to automated individual decisions.
   To exercise your rights, send a written request along with a copy of your ID to:  
   Data Protection Rights  
   Calle Aribau, 168-170  
   or send an email to:  
   Furthermore, you are informed that you can contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( for additional information or to file a complaint, for example, if you have not been satisfied in the exercise of your rights.

What about cookies?
Our website is GDPR compliant. We only use cookies to run the essential website functions and we do not store any personal information. 
Well noted!